Trisha Cute
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Trisha Cute

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 Forum Rules

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3 posters
Site Owner

Number of posts : 8
Age : 35
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Registration date : 2008-09-23

Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Forum Rules   Forum Rules EmptyTue Sep 23, 2008 3:47 pm

Hello everyone! Here are the forum rules. Please read and follow them carefully and the forums will be a much better place for everyone.


In order to post messages at this forum, you first need to register. You can do so by clicking the register button near the top of the screen. You may only register one user name for yourself. If you decide you want to change your user name, feel free to PM me and I'd be happy to change it for you.

Creating New Topics

Before creating new topics, please think about whether or not your topic will lead to a meaningful conversation. Be specific with your topics, and back up any opinions you have with facts.

No Spam

Spam is basically posts/threads that serve no real purpose or add nothing to a conversation. Simply put, if you don't have something interesting to say in a thread, please don't say it.

Examples of spam include:

- Topics with no purpose or clear direction
- One-word or very short posts (i.e. "yes", "no", or simply posting a smily)

No Illegal Topics

Please do not discuss illegal activities.

No Double-Posting

Double-posting occurs when your post is already the last one in a thread, and you post again. If you've forgotten to say something in the last post, please simply edit your post by clicking the edit button and making the desired changes. Double-posting is only allowed in cases where you'd like to bump your older thread to the top of the list. Please only bump your thread if it's been at least four days since the last post.

No Flaming

If you attack or ridicule another poster without backing your opinions with valid facts, you are flaming. Flaming isn't tolerated and repeat offenders will be banned.

No Blatant Advertising

Though you are allowed to advertise a site that you made in the "Your Creations" forum, you may not register solely for the purpose of advertising your site/forums or anyone else's. Established members may advertise a site on occasion, but it is best to keep site advertising information in your signature.

Post in English

Members should post or replies in English! Unless you are in Regional Boards.

Keep it Clean

We're not here to babysit, but in general, exceedingly foul language is frowned upon here. Please keep your posts relatively clean.

Avatar Rules

- Maximum size: 105 pixels wide x 150 pixels high. Avatars larger than this will be removed by the administrator.
- Avatar file size must be under 15KB
- No nudity or other offensive material in avatars

Signature Rules

- Maximum of 5 lines of text
- Maximum of 2 images (totaling 30k)
- Maximum image width is 550 pixels.
- Maximum image height is 300 pixels.
- No nudity or offensive material in signatures.
- Your signature may be edited if it's too large.
- Do not use a text size larger than 4.

Please be reasonable and consider the other users before deciding on your signature. Huge file sizes really slow down the forums for dial-up users, and images with large dimensions or animated gif files can be distracting when posting. Remember, this is a discussion forum, not a means to show off your Photoshop skills.

Summing Up

If you have any questions or concerns about these rules, please feel free to PM admin or one of the moderators and any of us will be more than happy to help you. Thanks for reading, and happy posting!

Best Regards,
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Number of posts : 217
Age : 35
Job/hobbies : ezsThUfpHijAntEiih..
Registration date : 2008-09-25

Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forum Rules   Forum Rules EmptyThu Sep 25, 2008 7:14 pm

it will bE follOwed,tNx.!
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Root Admin

Number of posts : 302
Age : 34
Job/hobbies : student
Registration date : 2008-09-23

Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forum Rules   Forum Rules EmptyThu Sep 25, 2008 7:23 pm

just follow the rules...
this is locked to avoid spamming...
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Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forum Rules   Forum Rules Empty

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